5 Development Skills Required to Take Web 3.0 Head-on in 2023

Sahil Maheshwari
4 min readMar 1, 2023

Big tech is beginning to change its business strategies to fit Web 3.0, which is causing a surge in blockchain and decentralised technology. The demand for tech professionals that can thrive in these contexts is growing as the market does. Having said that, survival requires skill as well.

Adapting your skills to the Web 3.0 environment can be beneficial to you whether you are an experienced programmer or a coding newbie.

Here are the 5 skills every great Web3 developer should possess.

Fundamentals of Blockchain

Understanding the blockchain is crucial when creating Web 3.0 applications. When designing blockchain apps, developers will use a different paradigm of programming, and the absence of a centralised server may cause problems. Usually, the preferred language is one of solidity.

Unfortunately, only the back end exhibits solidity (more on that later). Learn HTML, JavaScript, and CSS because they will all essentially look the same in front-end programming. Keep in mind that creating smart contracts for securing cryptographic transactions takes a lot of Web 3.0 developers’ time.

Solidity Programming Language

Coding boot camps have popped up to assist programmers in mastering Solidity, but why? To begin with, the Ethereum blockchain is native to the coding language Solidity (but can be used on others). For creating smart contracts, a high-level language similar to Javascript is employed.

Although there are alternative blockchain programming languages, Solidity is the most widely used, which increases your employability if you master it. Employers prioritise finding developers who can produce bug-free code. It is also important for developers to write code as efficiently as possible.

Understanding Smart Contract Security

In the digital age, it can be difficult to maintain your anonymity, but on the blockchain, you really can’t afford to play around. Developers of Web 3.0 programmes work on applications that handle user payments. Without thorough testing and verification, you run the danger of permanently losing someone’s money.

On August 3rd, 2022, thousands of Solana residents had their wallets emptied of about $8 million that they will never see again. That is thought to have happened as the system was importing several accounts.

Your employers will evaluate your understanding of encryption, DoS attacks, and function defaults before you are responsible for building and testing smart contracts. Develop a security checklist and brush up on auditing and pen-testing as well as other secure coding best practices for smart contracts.

Knowledge of Web AR/VR Frameworks

As customers can afford the technology, AR/VR games like The Metaverse and similar ones will become enormously popular. As HTML, CSS, and Javascript are the building blocks of AR/VR frameworks, web developers already have a basic understanding of them.

However, you’ll also need to know Three.js (builds websites with 3D content) and WebXR (allows for AR and VR support), and React.js (a JavaScript library that builds sites with less code).

If you want to develop mobile games, ARKit for iOS and ARCore for Android are also excellent options. But, if you want to work for a significant console or PC game studio, you need to gain a solid foundation in Unity or Unreal. The next step is VR or augmented reality.

The platform you select (for example, Oculus or HTC Vive) will typically have its own programming tools. For added protection, you can transfer your finished product to the blockchain.

Learn More About Web 3.0 Culture

If you are unfamiliar with your end customer, it can be difficult or perhaps impossible to develop a Web 3.0 solution that is effective. Most productive Web 3.0 users are also Web 3.0 developers.

If you’re not currently using Web3, start by considering the key characteristics that define this internet era. Web 3.0’s DNA includes elements like a semantic web, AI, 3D graphics, ubiquity, and connection, as well as elements like the blockchain, decentralisation, and edge computing.

Moreover, interoperability — the capacity to share and utilise data from various computer systems or software — should be a goal for developers in this field. Users of Web 3.0 adore the idea of composability since it enables them to create their own software.



Sahil Maheshwari

Machine Learning|Web Development|Business Management